West Suffolk

Get involved in the branch

If you'd like to be a more active branch supporter, there are lots of ways you could get involved:

  • Come along to one of our committee meetings or socials - any members can join in (or simply sit and listen) at our meetings.
  • Give feedback on local pubs - please use the CAMRA National Beer Scoring System www.camra.org.uk/nbss to give us your views on the beer you sample in the area.
  • Select pubs for inclusion in the annual Good Beer Guide - come to our January meeting to give your views and help with pub surveys.
  • Help the branch run its business - contact our Chairman to find out what's involved in joining the branch committee.
  • Adopt a pub (to two); keep us informed of developments and events;
  • Send us news and articles for the Last Orders magazine and our website;
  • Help to distribute and replenish Last orders in pubs you visit regularly;
  • Survey pubs to keep our pubs database up-to-date;
  • Survey pubs (and vote) for inclusion in the next CAMRA Good Beer Guide;
  • Survey pubs (and vote) for our Branch Pub of the Year and other awards.
  • We also need people interested in photographing the pubs in our branch area.
  • Help at the East Anglian Beer & Cider Festival (e.g. setting up, or serving beer or cider).
  • Even emailing us with any fresh information or corrections to our site or pub database will really be very helpful.
  • Socially as a branch we enjoy regular trips around our local area and further afield. You could help organize something.

If you are interested, then please come along to one of our branch meetings (see the Branch Diary) or email us – see the Contacts page.